Zachary Kellian
Award-winning author & founder/co-editor of
Orca: A Literary Journal
Published by Short Édition, Paris
A Hollow Place Between the Mountains
Published by: The Bethlehem Writers' Roundtable
Published by: The Weird and Whatnot
Published by: Terse Literary Journal
Published by: Bards & Sages Quarterly
The Secret Rules
Children of Priests
Published by Short Édition, Paris
Conversation at a Truck Stop Diner
*Finalist for the Ernest Hemingway Short Story of the Year, 2016
Chosen by: The Ernest Hemingway Foundation
A clever and darkly humorous narrative voice..
Jane Proctor,
Short Édition --Paris
Kellian has the ability to see deeply into character motivation, and he understands the importance of conflict and tension in fiction. It’s a rare combination that allows him to craft probing, imaginative stories that cross traditional genre and character boundaries. He gets what good fiction is about, and his talent will carry him far in the literary world.
Joe Ponepinto, author, Mr. Neutron
A bone-chilling tale!
from The Writers' Roundtable review of A Hollow Place Between the Mountains

I gave up a much-loved career as an executive in the non-profit sector to live out a dream. I am now a full-time author, published around the globe, and the co-founder/editor of a literary magazine. I am grateful for the opportunity to wake up every day with the goal of championing the beauty and complexity of language. It still feels a bit like a fantasy, but I’m in no hurry to return to reality.
I write short stories, flash fiction, and am working on the final draft of my first novel. In the literary world, I enjoy exploring themes around identity, the nature of hope, and how our environment influences our lives. When it comes to genre fiction, I'm not "above" it; I have had both science fiction and horror stories published. There is magic to be found in every corner of the craft.
I currently live in the Pacific Northwest with my partner and our dog; no artist has ever been able to claim better muses.

Jury Prize Winner, 2023
Short Édition's
Principal Foundation Contest
in partnership with
The Center for Fiction
Also available at:
Elliott Bay Book Company, Seattle, WA
Stavros Niarchos Library, NYC, NY
Sip & Sonder, Los Angeles, CA
South County Library, Charlotte, NC
Prairie Lights, Iowa City, IA

Published by 34 Orchard

Published by Abandon Journal
A Hollow Place Between the Mountains
Published by Typehouse Magazine

Published by Short Édition, Paris
The Secret Rules
Children of Priests
Published by: The Bethlehem Writers' Roundtable
Published by Shooter Journal
Published by Short Édition, Paris
Conversation at a Truck Stop Diner
*Finalist for the Ernest Hemingway Short Story of the Year, 2016
Published by:
Terse Literary Journal
Published by:
The Weird and Whatnot
Published by:
Bards & Sages Quarterly
Chosen by: The Ernest Hemingway Foundation